Event closes third information security awareness campaign carried out by the partnership between RNP and Ministry of Defense

The partnership between RNP and the Ministry of Defense (MD) in favor of the evolution of information security among employees of the Executive Branch body continues to be increasingly strengthened. After two successful campaigns carried out last year, on the afternoon of 7/7, at the department's headquarters in Brasília, the closing event of the third campaign took place, once again supported by gamification.

Present at the ceremony were MD's deputy secretary of Budget and Institutional Organization, Alessandra Vianna, the director of the MD's Department of Information and Communication Technology, Bruno Novais, the coordinator of the MD's Information and Communications Security Center, Daniel Santos, the deputy director of Solutions Management at RNP, Claudio Silva, the coordinator of Information Security and Privacy at RNP, Rodrigo Facio, the Information Security analyst at RNP and responsible for carrying out the campaign, Caroline Santos, and the leader of Governance in Privacy and Information Security at the Digital Government Secretariat (SGD), Romário de Almeida.

“This is a unique and playful project. Accepting this idea, continuing a project that began in the previous administration and which was so successful, reaching its 3rd stage, and today we are crowning this project that was so successful here. So, I congratulate the winners, I thank each one of you in through our secretary (of Budget and Institutional Organization), Dr. José Roberto (de Moraes Rego Paiva Fernandes Júnior), and our general secretary, Dr. Luiz Pochyly for authorizing us to carry out a unique project”, highlighted the deputy secretary of Budget and Institutional Organization of the MD, Alessandra Vianna.

The deputy director of Solutions Management at RNP celebrated the continuity of cooperation between the organization and the Ministry of Defense, which is completing six years in 2023 and has generated mutual benefits.

“This type of event is very good, in fact, we are celebrating good results. We have had cooperation between RNP and the Ministry of Defense for five years, and we are now entering the sixth phase, and in this cooperation, we do everything from connectivity – for research institutions linked to Defense – to training actions or actions like this”, highlighted Claudio Silva.

Same platform, but different rules and dynamics

The campaign lasted from 5 to 30 of June and, again, the Hacker Rangers solution was used to generate engagement, with a scoring and ranking system according to the attitudes of each participant towards the risks they are exposed to, not only in the work routine, but also in the different moments of use of technology in their private lives.

“Just like in the previous stages, we are in the 3rd campaign, this competition was very challenging. First, due to the methodology applied – we used a gamification model. It's a fun and easier way to learn. This was fundamental for us to actually be able to have this staff engagement, absorb the knowledge and be able to apply it here at the Ministry of Defense. I would like to thank all the competitors, not just the top ten in this campaign. I would like to say that without the competitors we would not have this success”, stated the director of the Department of Information and Communication Technology at MD, Bruno Novais, endorsed by the coordinator of the Information and Communications Security Center at MD, Daniel Santos, who also praised the partnership with RNP: “We carried out a process of continuous improvement in the campaigns by changing the rules and new ideas emerged during this process. We improved the quality of the challenges, our partners at RNP followed this entire process and helped us a lot with this – new challenges, new courses, new approaches, new phishing attacks. So, during the campaigns we were always trying to improve, always trying to innovate”, he explained.

Check out the results of the 3rd campaign:

Campanha 3 - resultados

General results of the three campaigns:

resultados gerais 3 campanhas

“An issue that I found very interesting is that the results here were important not only for Brazil. RNP, at the beginning of the year, around January, submitted an article to an international event, showing the results of that event. We were approved and presented last month in Albania”, said RNP's Information Security and Privacy coordinator, Rodrigo Facio, referring to the annual Geánt (Collaboration of European National Research and Education Networks) conference, held in Tirana.

Responsible for planning and monitoring the three campaigns at the Ministry of Defense, RNP Information Security analyst Caroline Santos, emphasized that the main objective of the initiative, since the beginning of the project in 2022, was to turn collaborators into citizens more aware of the risks to which they are exposed when using technologies increasingly available in the world.

“I really wanted to reach out and listen to everyone and make it work. I think it goes far beyond the numbers, but actually being able to increase security maturity for everyone. Not only within the Ministry, but for them to take all the learning to their families and we were able do achieve it”, she stated.

Awards for best placed

At the end of the closing event of the third awareness campaign, the participants who scored the most and showed that they are sharp in relation to information security were recognized. The ten best placed in the platform's ranking were awarded prizes.

During the meeting there were also moments of learning and competition, through a platform that displayed questions about security on the big screen and those present answered through their cell phones. Those who responded faster scored more points and won gifts.

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