RNP presents improvements to the For platform at the first Forplad of 2023, held in Manaus

- 14/04/2023

RNP was present at the first Ordinary Meeting of the National Forum of Pro-Rectors of Planning and Administration (Forplad) of 2023, held between the 4/12 and 14, at the Eulálio Chaves auditorium, at the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), in Manaus. The organization was represented by Services manager Jean Carlo Faustino and Business analyst Manoela Albuquerque.

The organization's presence is part of the strategy for disseminating the For platform to the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Ifes), strengthening the relationship with the Pro-Rectors of Planning and publicizing the improvements made in the ForPDI and ForRisco solutions and the benefits that the partnership between the Ministry of Education (MEC) and RNP offers to improve the user experience.

Presentation for the Risk Thematic Group

One day before the start of Forplad, RNP had an insertion during the program of the meeting of the Thematic Group on Risks, which took place in the university city of Ufam. On the occasion, Manoela Albuquerque gave a presentation on the ForRisco platform, a solution developed to assist in the elaboration of risk management at Ifes.

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