RNP mourns the death of the creator of its first logo

- 11/12/2022

More than lines on paper. Brands bring an organization to life by visually representing its purpose and value proposition. Today, RNP mourns the end point of the creator of its first logo, Rodolfo Reis e Silva Capeto, who died on 12/9, aged 66. 

A designer graduated in 1980 from the Superior School of Industrial Design (Esdi/Uerj), Capeto has been a professor at the institution since 1992, in addition to two terms as director (2008-2015). His main areas of study and professional action were typography, type design, information design and editorial.  

He was the author of the visual identity of public and private entities, and one of the pioneers, in the country, of digital processes in design, developing, as early as 1983, a proprietary vector font format. He is known for having designed, in 2001, a new typographic family for the Houaiss Dictionary, one of the most traditional in our language.  

He coordinated the creation of the book “5 years at Esdi (2010)” and was part of the Design Editorial Board of the publishing house Cosac Naify, from 2006 until its closure. Recently, he was studying, as a personal research, the urban history of the Passeio region, in Rio de Janeiro, specifically the area occupied by Esdi. 

For the Director of Services and Solutions at RNP, Antônio Carlos Nunes, this is a great loss. “I was around Rodolfo for a long time. He was always precise, a reference in the area”. “And he made a great contribution to our organization in our beginnings, in the 1990s, always with great dedication”, recalls the director of People, Administration and Finance, José Luiz Ribeiro Filho. 

“He helped to strengthen the organization because the RNP logo was different from what we had. It was very authentic. He also inspired the organization to think in Design. Thanks to him, we won the RIOfazDESIGN award, because, years later, we remain consistent in our publications and media”, recognizes the general director of RNP, Nelson Simões. 

The last farewell to Rodolfo Capeto will be today, 12/11, at 1 pm, in chapel 9 of the Penitência Crematorium and Cemetery, in Caju, Rio de Janeiro. To family and friends, RNP wishes peace and comfort in this moment of sadness. 


Remember the interview made with Capeto here for the website in 2018.

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