RNP holds a workshop in an international education event in Paraíba

- 09/12/2015

RNP will be a part of the schedule of the International Meeting of Professional Education, to be held on December 9 and 11 in the city of João Pessoa. The event is promoted by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Paraíba (IFPB), and will gather 1.5 thousand education professionals from all over the country, in addition to professors from Finland and the Netherlands, to discuss subjects such as e-learning, the use of social media in education and robotics.

The international meeting is made up of four events: International Workshop of Innovation in Professional Education; I Research, Innovation and Post-Graduation Symposium of the IFPB (I SIMPIF); the III Technological Innovation Seminar (III SINTIF) and the Distance Learning Meeting (EEAD).

On December 9 and 10, RNP will give one of the workshops at the IFPB’s Distance Learning Center, in the João Pessoa campus, for the creation, storage and provision of video lectures using RNP’s infrastructure.

The international convention will have 12 workshops given by educators chosen from the Teachers for the Future Program, who experienced new approaches to learning in Finland. The event will also have cultural activities, such as a culinary open-air fair and a solidarity economy fair.

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