Representatives from UFRJ, INATEL, Finep and RNP hold a meeting on the Smart Classroom project

On January 9, representatives from UFRJ, Inatel, Finep and RNP met at the RNP office in Rio de Janeiro, to align the scope of what will be developed by the Smart Classroom project - Visão 5G (Applications for Smart Campus on private 5G networks).  

The general objective of the project is to specify and develop a computer vision system that uses images from 5G cameras, associated with the use of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, for use in various applications on university campuses, such as detection and recognition of people for access control, automatic attendance list in classrooms, behavior recognition, among others. Inatel's project coordinator, Rogério Casal, gave a technical presentation on what the smart classroom will be like with a 5G private network. 

"It's great to know about this synergy between RNP, Inatel and UFRJ", said Finep representative, Luiz Sérgio Utino.  

Learn more about the Visão 5G project 

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