Internet2 Global Summit highlights global initiatives for high-speed connections

- 12/03/2019

High-speed connections around the world were highlights of the schedule Internet2 Global Summit 2019, one of the main events that gather networks for teaching and research. The meeting, organized by the North-American academic network Internet2, was held on March 5 to 8, in Washington, United States.

The National Network of Teaching and Research (RNP) participated in several occasions of the event, including the session that highlighted innovative initiatives to achieve the first network of teaching and research with a capacity of 100 Gb/s in the world. One of these initiatives is the Bella Project  that will directly connect Europe to Latin America, guided by Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA) and the European Géant network.

The technical manager of RedCLARA, Marco Teixeira, presented the project of the new infrastructure of networks in a high capacity that will be built in the Latin America, dedicated by teaching and research in the scope of Bella project. The project is divided into the implantation of the submarine cable, Bella-S, and the infrastructure of ground networks, Bella-T, which will bring a meaningful improvement in connectivity in the region.

“This improvement will ensure that the huge advancement of the transcontinental capacity is evenly distributed throughout the region and, by means of synergies with Latin American NRENs, that the capillarity and equal access to intercontinental services are increased for all end users of teaching and research in the region", said Marco Teixeira, in his presentation.

The RNP's project coordinator, Oswaldo Alves, presented the strategy for the project of the technological evolution of the Brazilian academic network, the Ipê network, which will also contribute to the advancement of Bella project. 

Please access the presentations on the event website

Study case on multi-factor authentication

RNP also participated in the Internet2 Global Summit during the Identity Management, with the study case on the solution for multi-factor authentication, developed in Brazil by the Multi-Factor Authentication Working Group for All (GT-AMPTo), with coordination of RNP.

The professor of the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali) and coordinator of RNP’s Technical Committee of Identity Management (CT-GId), Michelle Wangham, shared the Brazilian experience with the solution of open code that offers multi-factor authentication for providers of identity using Shibboleth following the model of the REFEDS  – international group of federations for teaching and research.

Read more about the topics on the Internet2 website.


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