II PNLD Workshop brings together RNP, FNDE and Ufal in Maceió and partnership aims to digitally transform the program, benefiting education in Brazil

- 13/04/2023

Maceió hosted, from 4/11 to 13, the II Workshop of the National Book and Teaching Material Program (PNLD), an event that brought together representatives of RNP, the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE) and the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal). The meeting provided a space for discussions that highlighted the importance of innovating and co-creating solutions, placing collaboration between the parties involved at the heart of the program's commitment to modernization and digital transformation.

The opening table of the event counted with the participation of the manager of Solutions at RNP Roosevelt Benvindo, the dean of Ufal, Josealdo Tonholo, the general coordinator of Book Programs at FNDE, Nadja Cezar, the vice-director of the Nucleus of Excellence in Social Technologies (Nees/Ufal), Diego Demerval, and the director of the Computing Institute (IC/Ufal), Davi Bibiano. The ceremony was also attended by the Secretary of Finance of the State of Alagoas, Renata dos Santos, who highlighted the importance of the university as a technological hub in the state.

II Workshop PNLD - Maceió - 2023

In his speech, Roosevelt reinforced RNP's commitment to the deliveries of the PNLD, highlighting the technological challenges within a context of tight deadlines.

During the three-day Workshop, participants discussed the challenges faced by the PNLD with an analysis of past deliveries and future challenges. Felipe Marinho, project leader of the program, presented the modules built and under construction by RNP, with emphasis on the Portal do Livro and the DRM (Digital Rights Management) service, which guarantees the copyright of works.

II Workshop PNLD - Maceió - 2023

For the manager of Digital Projects for Clients, Alberto Yasuda, the event was important "to promote the integration of the teams involved and understanding of the works that are taking place simultaneously with the development under the coordination of RNP".

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