HU-UFMA Telehealth Centre celebrates ten years of activities

- 07/12/2017

On December 15th, at 9 AM, the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (HU-UFMA) will hold a celebration ceremony for the ten years of its Telehealth Centre. The event will take place at the Blue Auditorium, in the 4th floor of the Presidente Dutra Unit, and will count on the broadcast through Web Conference. The national coordinator of Rute(link is external), Luiz Ary Messina, will be honoured during the ceremony.

“The impact of Rute in our institute was huge. The main differential it provided was the harmony between the universities. It is like we had a conference every week, without the need to travel. This knowledge exchange was an essential gain to us. Telemedicine and telehealth are here to stay”, says the HU-UFMA unit coordinator, Humberto Serra.

The HU-UFMA Telehealth Centre is seen as reference in the country, and it has a complete studio for filming and editing videos of educational content, which are made available in digital platforms of video distribution. It adopted Rute in 2007, and since then, it allows the interaction of remote teams in real time, in a simple way, through video and Web Conference, using a computer or mobile device, promoting a more democratic access to the interested communities, at lower costs, which has contributed significantly to the increase of participations in the activities.

“Over these tem years, we have done a lot. In the beginning, as pioneers, we began the process of defending a Master’s or Doctorate theses without the need to travel, which happens to this day. We have broadcasted surgeries with students comfortably accommodated in the auditorium, and free to interact with the surgeon during the session”, highlights Humberto Serra.

Highlights at the 8th CBTMS

Recently, the HU-UFMA Telehealth Centre stood out at the 8th Brazilian Telemedicine and Telehealth Congress (CBTMS), held between November 14th and 17th, in Gramado (RS), winning second place in the category of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), with the work “Monitoring and Management System for Teleconsulting”. The tool developed by the UFMA professionals is capable of managing and monitoring the teleconsulting process, allowing the planning of strategies that aim at improving the service by generating data and indicators, which allows faster intervention and resolution.

Follow the 10-year ceremony of the HU-UFMA Telehealth Centre here(link is external)!

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