Conecta Rede reinforces the purpose of boosting digital transformation in the Federal Professional and Technological Education Network during the 47th REDITEC
Between the 6th and 9th of November, the 47th edition of the Annual Meeting of Directors of Professional and Technological Education Institutions (REDITEC) was held in Natal with the participation of the RNP team responsible for the Conecta Rede Program, an initiative of the Ministry of Education (MEC) in partnership with RNP, which aims to boost digital transformation in the federal network.
For the second time, RNP was present with a stand in the event's exhibitor area, consolidating its participation in the dissemination of digital services and solutions available to support the management of institutions. During the event, the team had the opportunity to collect feedback and understand the needs of those who have already signed up and are using the services, aiming to promote continuous evolution and constantly improve their offer.
Representatives of the institutions were able to visit the program space and learn about the package of solutions it offers for the professional and personal development of employees and also for the modernization and greater efficiency of the institutions of the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education. Interested parties have already been able to sign up to enjoy the benefits.
“RNP is our partner and is not new. I was at MEC between 2003 and 2011, we started there and everything that exists in the Federal Network we built together with RNP. Today, we have Conecta Rede, which aims to bring digitalization to all processes within our network, institutes, campuses and schools. The program is firm and strong, we have already placed new orders and we are going to bring technology and digital connection to our entire network”, highlighted the Secretary of Professional and Technological Education (Setec/EMC), Getúlio Marques Ferreira.
For the IT director of IFSul and general coordinator of the National Forum of Information Technology Managers of the National Council of Institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (FORTI/CONIF), Carla Pires, Conecta Rede “is one of the greatest opportunities for jointly building solutions for the network and must be made the most of it”.
Participation in programming
Within REDITEC's programming, the program promoted three actions: the first was a lecture with RNP's Information Security and Privacy coordinator, Rodrigo Facio, who addressed the security and privacy consultancy services developed by the organization and available through Conecta Rede.
The second was the presentation of the goal of the Educational Consulting service, offered by Escola Superior de Redes (ESR) and which is available to the Federal Network through Conecta Rede. The academic manager, Yve Marcial, explained the offer, which helps IT and HR managers to optimize the resources invested in the professional development of teams and generate more assertive results aligned with the institutions' objectives.
Finally, on the last day of the event, RNP promoted a workshop to prospect new IT services to be developed and offered within the program, using the design thinking methodology, facilitated by RNP analyst Pedro Henrique Pires, with the collaborative co-creation of the managers of the FIs, Cefet and Colégio Pedro II.
“It is the second edition that we participate in REDITEC to provide transparency and publicize the actions of the Conecta Rede program that are underway. Last year, we were still in the prospecting phase, but now we are in a second stage where several institutions are signing up and being prioritized. We believe that next year we will be bringing new results, points for improvement and showing the importance of this program in the issue of digital transformation of institutions”, concluded the RNP project manager responsible for the program, Roosevelt Benvindo.