RNP awards Goeldi Museum and Fiocruz for performance in information security project

- 20/08/2018

The RNP’s Security Incident Response Center (CAIS) awarded through the Top 5 project education and research institutions for their performance in solving cases of security incidents and vulnerabilities. This year, the Emílio Goeldi Museum in Para and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) were in first place, with the highest percentage and total, respectively, of notifications addressed, which contributes to the increase of information security in these institutions.

The Top 5 project is an initiative developed with the purpose of bringing CAIS/RNP even closer to its user institutions and provide security support to these organizations, which is reflected in reducing the number of network incidents and vulnerabilities. Annually, five institutions are selected in each region of the country to participate in the project. In 2018, the chosen institutions represented 27% of the open notifications in the entire Ipê network and, after the CAIS action, the cases had a reduction of 30% of their total.

This year, the project underwent reformulations and developed an award, as part of the strategy to promote actions to fight malicious activities in the academic network. Fiocruz, which had the highest number of vulnerabilities solved among project participants, and the Goeldi Museum, with the highest percentage of cases resolved, received the top 5 award in 2018. The gratification offered to the institutions was the provision of safety courses taught by the Networks School (ESR) and the participation of organizations in the Forum RNP 2018.

According to RNP's CAIS analyst, Rodrigo Facio, the award was developed to improve the institutions' adherence to the project, which was reflected in the significant increase in the number of security vulnerabilities resolved. However, although the results have been positive, it must be noted that protection against malicious attacks is constant and does not end with the end of the project. "The Top 5 is an action that focuses the institutions on the resolution of security notifications made by the CAIS and that had not been addressed or solved by the institutions, this year the project underwent a reformulation and one of the forms of encourage its adoption was the creation of the award for the institutions that had the best result of notifications treated, this brought a better adhesion by the institutions and thus we achieved a significant increase in the notifications closed by the participants, also achieving a better awareness on the part of the institutions since the work continue even after the project is over", said Rodrigo.

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