Library in the palm of the hand

- 02/09/2015

In 2014, the Periodical Portal, virtual library of Higher Education Personnel Training Coordination (in portuguese, Capes) of the Ministry of Education (MEC), won a mobile application version, allowing access, fast and free way to signed content with national and international publishers.

Since then, there have been recorded more than 25 thousand hits, only the three mobile platforms iOS, Android and Windows Mobile - access can also be done by other operating systems, and remotely by the Federated Academic Community (CAFe).

Developed in partnership with RNP, the application allows you to perform quick searches by subject, journal, basis and book, and 424 educational institutions and Brazilian research registered in the Portal can browse websites, read and export the articles in PDF format, and access the periodicals, references with short, theses and dissertations, technical standards, books, reference works, statistics, patents, open files and networks of e-prints.

Before the performance and good acceptance of the application, Capes decided to create a new version of the mobile platform, much more modern and with more options for interaction and use for the academic community. Among the new features are integration with CAFe, the possibility of creating an area of ​​library offline as well as a prominent area for content of interest, and the implementation of the push system with notifications made by the user. The new features will be implemented by early 2016, but the new version of the application is now available for iOS and Android.

"The idea is that the Portal is also an important tool to share knowledge and bring students and researchers. A teacher can create a study group for students to participate and exchange information", explains the Project Manager of RNP, Claudio Fabricio da Silva. "If the Portal behave a social network, it would be great. Existing there is no such media in the academic community and even in open or closed social networks, there is potential objects of study sharing and content of scientific interest as the platform provides", affirmed.

You also have the option to customize your space in the Portal by creating sections as 'My Articles', 'My Communities of interest' and 'My thesis', for example. "It can also integrate the text you write with endnotes, which allows copying passages and writing part of a thesis at the time of the survey; can share and recommend content and articles; and create interest groups about their research", said Claudio.

They are also provided to other applicability such as biometric authentication and a campus location service, with the right to access the content if the institution to which he belongs is not registered in CAFe.

In 2015, the Periodical Portal complete 15 years of existence. Considered a model of single library consortium in the world, is also the gender initiative with greater capillarity to cover the entire national territory. Currently offers a collection of more than 36,000 journals and 250,000 electronic books. Also offers 130 referential bases, 12 bases patents (inventions certified), encyclopedias and reference works, statistics, technical standards, banks of dissertations and theses, and audiovisual content.

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