Immersion workshop held in Brasília formalizes partnership between RNP, MEC and Ufal in favor of building the Education Data Platform

- 29/11/2023

On the 23rd and 24th of November, the facilities of the Escola Superior de Rede (ESR), in Brasília, hosted the first immersion workshop of the Education Data Platform, which brought together representatives from RNP, the Center for Excellence in Social Technologies (NEES) from the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) and the Ministry of Education (MEC). 

The event aimed to level the understanding of the activities proposed in the institutions' work plans, in addition to adjusting the schedules foreseen in the project, which aims to build a comprehensive platform, unifying multiple sets of data, from information on students and education professionals to data related to educational institutions and management of educational programs.

The opening of the workshop was attended by Fábio Campelo, undersecretary of Information and Communication Technology at MEC, the deputy director of NEES/Ufal, Diego Demerval, the RNP Solutions manager Roosevelt Benvindo, and the Digital Projects Manager, Nirian Santos, reinforcing the commitment of the institutions involved.

Campelo highlighted the importance of alignment between MEC, RNP and UFAL for the development of the solution. "A complex project like the platform requires the aligned participation of all actors involved. In this sense, the workshop initiative promoted by RNP is a very important step to increase the chances that the objectives will be met and that, in the near future, we can create a comprehensive interoperability environment for Education in Brazil", he declared.

During his speech, Roosevelt Benvindo emphasized RNP's commitment to the project's goals, highlighting the challenges of integration with the simultaneous initiatives to be led by RNP, MEC and UFAL. “We are here to work collaboratively to develop the most effective strategy for the project,” he highlighted.

The program included a comprehensive assessment of the institutions' work plan scenarios, shared on the morning of the first day. The afternoon was marked by co-creation dynamics led by NEES researchers and saw the active participation of everyone present. At this time, an alignment was sought on topics related to the Brazilian Educational System, in addition to technical and political analyzes aimed at deepening and delimiting the technical, organizational and political aspects of data governance in Education.

The collaboration between RNP, NEES and MEC aims to establish solid foundations for joint actions, aiming for interoperability and efficiency in the management of educational data. This initiative is expected to result in improved decision-making, promote transparency in the educational system and provide valuable insights for researchers, educators and managers. 

The engagement of managers and specialists in the two days of work demonstrated the relevance attributed to this strategic collaboration, consolidating a solid partnership towards the advancement of education in Brazil. The future of the Education Data Platform looks promising, with RNP's technical expertise, NEES/Ufal's academic knowledge and MEC's support converging to drive significant improvements in the country's educational system.

For RNP's Digital Projects Manager, Niriam dos Santos, holding the workshop consolidates the synergy of initiatives and strengthens collaboration, in addition to optimizing efficiency and promoting innovation. “This approach not only contributes to the project, but also strengthens interpersonal bonds, essential for long-term success,” she celebrated.

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