SAV presents culture initiatives regarding university cinemas

- 03/07/2015

The Audiovisual secretary, Pola Ribeiro, and his head of office, Sara Rocha, presented the strategic programs of the Ministry of Culture’s Audiovisual Secretariat (SAV/MinC) in the last day of training of the university cinemas held in The Networks School (Escola Superior de Redes - ESR), in Brasilia, between 6/30 and 7/1.

Among the initiatives presented, there is the retaking of the programa "Olhar Brasil”, which foreseens the constitution of the National Net of Technical Training and Support to the Production and Regional Audiovisual Innovation, and the National Net of the Brazilian Audiovisual Diffusion, as part of Programadora Brasil.

"There is one social technology to work with. We must think about the possibility of investing in things we cannot manage. Let's learn by making mistakes. The solutions are not defined yet. I wish good luck to you, who are explorers of these solutions", stated Pola when he highlighted the interaction between information and communication technologies (ICT) with audiovisual.

The public who attended the secretary's talk is constituted by representatives of six institutions newly incorporated to the Networked Cinemas, a project developed by RNP in partnership with MinC: the federal universities of Outo Preto (UFOP), Pelotas (UFPel), São Carlos (UFSCar), Espírito Santo (UFES), Goiás (UFG), and Paraíba (UFPB). Despite not having held the meeting, Federal Fluminense University (UFF), with its Cine Arte UFF, was also incorporated in this initiative round.

Besides SAV's secretary and head of office, went to the meeting MinC’s special assessor, Fred Maia, the Audiovisual Sustainable Development coordinators, Sylvia Bahiense and Gabriela Caetano, and MinC's regional representative in the Brazilian Southeast Region, Oswaldo Emery.

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