Registration for the 3rd Cycle of SIG-LGPD@RNP is now open

This year, the exclusive SIG-LGPD@RNP forum will feature 8 virtual meetings, which will provide participants with a space for discussion on good practices and a rich opportunity for interaction and exchange of experiences on the topics of privacy governance, personal data protection and LGPD. 

The deadline for registration is next Monday (09/11) and must be done by the IT manager of the institution that wishes to participate, or a person indicated by him/her, by filling out the application form

Each institution may nominate up to 3 collaborators. So, if you are the Personal Data Officer at your institution or if you are in the process of adapting, this forum is for you. 

Only 100 vacancies will be available. So, take this opportunity to ask questions about your institution's adaptation process with authorities on matters related to the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) and the challenges that the process of adapting to the Law imposes. 

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