National Meeting Redecomep

- 01/09/2015

The 2015 edition of Redecomep National Meeting, held in Brasilia on 24/8, was attended by the presidents of most of the Managing Committees (CGs) and Technicians (CTs) of 37 Brazilian metropolitan networks, which are part of the Community Networks Initiative Education and Research (Redecomep). Many of them also take the administrative task of coordinator for one of the RNP´s PoPs, located in 27 States of Brazil.

Among the presents in the event, were Claudete Alves (Remessa - Bahia), Antonio Abelém (Metrobel - Pará), Zuleika Tenorio (Icone Network - Pernambuco), Benedito Maia (MetroGyn - Goiás), Edison Melo (Remep - Santa Catarina), Sergio Fialho (Giga Natal - Rio Grande do Norte), Marcos Frota (GigaFor - Ceará), Roberto Benedito de Oliveira (Pantaneira Network - Mato Grosso), Dilton Dantas (MetroAju- Sergipe), Nelio Guilhon (Redecomep São Luis - Maranhão), Brivaldo Alves Jr . (Redecomep Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul), Pedro Torres (Redecomep Curitiba - Paraná) and Murilo Monteiro (Redecomep BH - Minas Gerais).

In addition to sharing experiences and experienced issues in day-to-day, they took the opportunity to discuss issues such as the sustainability of networks, which involves the institutionalization of the model, governance and technical management, and the policies of the usage of the networks and the partnerships .

By the RNP, who attended the meeting was the directors José Luiz Ribeiro Filho, Nelson Simões (picture) and Eduardo Grizendi. The first opened the event and took stock of the ten-year initiative, highlighting the challenges that lie ahead. "Today we have public policies that were deployed to metro networks and turned into state networks. Our biggest challenge now, before the success of the model we have implemented, is sustainability", said José Luiz.

Nelson presented the survey on community networks of education and research, and the study showed on, in particular, Metrotins networks (Tocantins - Palmas), MetroBV (Boa Vista - Roraima) and Giga Natal (Natal - Rio Grande do Norte) . "For the most part, 67% of networks adopted a cooperative model with local governments, where it participates in and supports the apportionment of costs; and is also present in virtually every community networks, 96%, causing them to have become an integrated system and not just segregated for academic use", he cited.

Grizendi talked about the prospects of networks for the future. The networks that are planned to be implement are from São José dos Campos (SP) and Santa Maria (RS), and the prospected ones are from Mossoró (RN), Vitoria da Conquista, Ilheus and Itabuna (all in Bahia), Juiz de Fora, Uberaba, Uberlândia and Itajubá (all in Minas Gerais), Campos and Volta Redonda (both in Rio de Janeiro), Sorocaba (SP), Chapecó (SC), Londrina (PA) and Juazeiro do Norte (CE). "I think Redecomep in 2025 with 100% optical networks, expanded, present in all locations, operating at 100 Gb/s, and offering multi-service, with comprehensive portfolio. I also hope that they have extensive use of the state and the municipality", he said.

As 2015 is the year of the tenth anniversary of Redecomep Initiative, after the meeting was held a ceremony to celebrate the occasion and honor those who were part of the deployment and trajectory of the program.

During the celebration, was presented a video with testimonies of those who lived through the early days of the project, those who participated in the process management and coordination of networks, and benefit from connectivity and collaboration tools offered by the initiative.

Then start took place the session of tributes, with delivery of a commemorative plaque, representing the work done for the sake of Redecomep. The winners made brief speeches and reminded important moments for the consolidation and success of the initiative in five regions of Brazil.

By the RNP, they were honored the directors José Luiz Ribeiro Filho and Michael Stanton, and the consultant, Joaquim Fanton. Nelson Simões took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of Redecomep to society and partnerships that enabled the project, whose goal is to deploy fiber optic networks of high-speed metropolitan areas of Brazil, creating a national infrastructure for communication and collaboration all areas of knowledge. The coordinators Jussara Musse, of MetroPoa (RS) in Porto Alegre, and Claudete Alves, of Remessa (BA), of Salvador, were honored on behalf of the managers of networks committees.

By the authorities that were part of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) at the time of implantation and the early years of Redecomep, then received the Research Unit Coordinator (2006 -2010), Avílio Franco; the former Executive Secretary (2007-2014), Luiz Antonio Elias; and former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (2005-2010), Sergio Rezende. The president of the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), Luis Fernandes, was also awarded for work done in 2005 and in current times. "I am very proud to have participated in this structuring project for Brazil, materializing cooperation with the country's development", he said.

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