Tool developed by RNP's work group will detect vulnerabilities in wireless networks

In times of popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT, or Internet of Things) and the application of sanctions from the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), there is a growing need to guarantee the security and prevention of data leakage. For this, a working group from RNP's Advanced Services Program, which includes members from the federal universities of Paraná (UFPR), Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Santa Maria (UFSM), in addition to the startup EarlySec, works to propose solutions to identify security vulnerabilities from network traffic and to obfuscate that traffic to hide the vulnerabilities.  

Identification of vulnerabilities such as unencrypted traffic follows statistical methods and machine learning algorithms. The obfuscation of vulnerabilities starts with generating false traffic in the first place. These two features make up the Arquimedes tool, along with assessing the risk level of the network and devices. Solution users interact with the tool through a control panel.  
The tool is in the testing phase, currently working with a second group of early adopters. The tool has already been tested with positive feedback at the Security Incident Response Group (CSIRT) at UNICAMP, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and UFPR. Currently, PoP-BA and UFSM are in the process of implementing the tool.   
According to WG-Arquimedes coordinator, Michele Nogueira (DCC/UFMG), the tool, which was presented at a series of events throughout the second phase of the WG, obtained positive feedback from the first early adopters. Within the scope of the project, a
a study with the intention of knowing the panorama of cybersecurity in IoT in Brazil was performed.  

The project is at the end of phase 2 of RNP's WG program. “There were many challenges over these two years and despite the tool not being at the maturity stage for direct marketing, the team arrives with a solid MVP that can be commercially exploited in different ways, such as providing a service. The focus now is to continue acting and working to get the first customer and move forward in the development of the tool”, says Michele. 

As future developments, the GT-Arquimedes coordinator says that a possible commercialization of the tool as an API is on the horizon. “This model has been planned and worked on for this purpose”.  

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