RNP launches technical journal for the academic community during WRNP 2022

During the 23rd edition of the RNP Workshop – WRNP, the National Education and Research Network (RNP) launched the WRNP Journal, a technical publication that brings together the 21 Research, Development and Innovation projects coordinated by RNP, in co-creation with the scientific community.

The publication also brings content on R&D services and Technical Committees who participated in the demonstration area of the event, as well as interviews with several professionals who helped build the success of the 2022 edition of the WRNP. 

“We want the journal to be a legacy of the event for our community. May it be consumed and revisited whenever possible”, said WRNP's executive coordinator, Gustavo Dias. 

To download the full journal, click on the links below:

Complete journal in Desktop format
Complete journal in Mobile format

RD&I projects coordinated by RNP in 2022:

•    5G-in-a-Box
•    Análise de Dados da Rede
•    Brasil 6G
•    Escritório Inteligente
•    GREN Mapping
•    Grupo de Estudos 5G
•    GT-Arquimedes
•    GT-ChainID
•    GT-DeVIaS
•    GT-FeedbackBot
•    GT-RLProviDe-MI
•    Infraestrutura de Medição
•    Movimentação de dados com alto desempenho
•    Open RAN@Brasil
•    Prospecção em Ciberinfraestrutura
•    RBB
•    Rede de Dados Abertos

Serviços de P&D:

•    GIdLab
•    Suporte à e-Ciência
•    Testbeds RNP

Comitês Técnicos:

•    CT-Blockchain
•    CT-CDIA
•    CT-GId
•    CT-Mon
•    CT-Saúde Digital

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