16 thousand doctors will be assisted in the Web Supervision project of the Ministry of Education

- 03/05/2022

More health, more agility and more quality in service to the community. The More Doctors for Brazil Project (PMMB), of the Federal Government, is responsible for providing, in an emergency, doctors to work in Primary Health Care Units. For this, the qualification and professional development of these doctors for the exercise of teaching-service activities, in a perspective of permanent education, is essential.

In this context, considering the scenario experienced in the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education (MEC), which manages and monitors the PMMB, requested the National Education and Research Network (RNP) to develop a technological solution that assists in carrying out the virtual supervision of doctors from the PMMB, which was previously carried out in person. Done!

In this solution, RNP provides virtual rooms on its Web Conference service to hold the program's academic supervision meetings with supervisors, tutors, doctors and the MEC support team; promotes workshops and training, in addition to answering questions, suggestions and resolutions from users regarding the use of the service for the Web Supervision community; records meetings; and consolidates indicators for analysis of program management information.

The idea was put into practice in a pilot project called Web Supervision, carried out in May 2021, which was supervised by the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), with 510 participants including tutors, supervisors and physicians. The results of the pilot were so positive that the MEC announced last Monday (2/5) the national expansion of the project, which should serve around 57 supervisory institutions, 150 tutors, 1,600 supervisors and 16,000 physicians.

The Web Supervision launch event was attended by MEC executive secretary José de Castro Barreto Júnior; the Secretary of Higher Education at MEC Wagner Vilas Boas de Souza; and the director general of RNP Nelson Simões. In his speech, Nelson said that this launch crowns a series of RNP technological initiatives for health, such as the creation of the University Telemedicine Network (RUTE), 15 years ago, and the connection of Family Health Units, since 2020. Specifically about Web Supervisão, Nelson commented: “This project guarantees predictability to the actors of this process and data for better management quality by the MEC, which benefits the population with health”.

Watch the full event:



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