PoP-BA promotes training courses for university students

- 21/10/2021

RNP's Point of Presence in Bahia (PoP-BA) launched a training project for undergraduate students, called "Capacitando para o Amanhã" (CAPA), which aims to qualify young university students in technical courses, developed and taught by the PoP-BA team itself.

The meetings took place online between August and October, four times a week, and covered content on networks, information security and Linux, for example. Students also had access to information about the RNP, the PoP-BA and the Rede Metropolitana de Salvador (Remessa), being able to correlate theory with practice.

Tomorrow's professionals

According to Thiago Bomfim, one of the project's creators, in addition to its social nature, the objective is to attract the interest of young people to the area of networks and to select at least four outstanding students to work as scholarship recipients from PoP-BA and Remessa, with the possibility of new scholarships being created in institutions linked to the PoP and connected to the metropolitan network.

“The pandemic, for example, made even more evident the importance of networks, security and good connectivity. Hence, the importance of having well-trained professionals trained in different technologies”, assesses Thiago Bomfim.

“Our entire PoP and Remessa team started as a fellow during graduation. The idea is to continue training tomorrow's network analysts in practice”, complements Remessa's coordinator, Claudete Alves.

RNP's Operations manager, Janice Ribeiro, and Francisco Júnior, Integrated Service manager participated in the initiative, with classes on Innovation and Continuous Learning. “It was a pleasure to participate in CAPA. May other PoPs be inspired by this action”, said Janice.

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