Connectivity solutions and communication and collaboration services to the benefit of Brazilian institutions

- 17/03/2020

To incentive research, collaboration and connection in the institutions. This has been an important role we have played over our 30 years of history.

In the last article of the series of articles about our personalized solutions, check out how our customers have benefited from our services and advanced network infrastructure, in addition to the proximity to the Defense area.

Infrastructure benefits the national agriculture

The mission of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) is to provide research, development and innovation solutions for the sustainability of the national agriculture. One of its big challenges is to integrate and encourage collaboration between its units in Brazil, many of which are in the countryside and rural areas. To support Embrapa, RNP carried out an integrated plan that included high-speed Internet access for the decentralized units, as well as use of cloud computing, qualification of professionals, R&D actions and implementation of communication and collaboration services.

Throughout 2019, we helped establishing the company's Technical Vulnerability Management Process, which resulted in the creation of a platform to manage the vulnerabilities of the organization's technological equipment, proactively improving the levels of information security at Embrapa. Another delivery was the support in the modeling of a cloud service, similar to compute@RNP, in which we put on paper how the service will be set up, its features and activities carried out by the IT teams to comply with SLA established by the units. All this aims to improve the service management level of the institution.

We were Embrapa´s partners in the development of SEI Contingency Plan as well, which aims to enable Embrapa to resume activities in case of any unavailability or performance problem of SEI. An incident of this level can paralyze most of the company's activities that require electronic documents, in order to be carried out. The plan provided methods and procedures to be followed, in order to minimize the impacts, avoiding possible legal, operational, financial and image problems.

“The partnership between Embrapa and RNP is indispensable for the operation of our institution and the progress of the Brazilian research. In addition to the services aimed at integration and collaboration we have worked on in the last two years, I would like to highlight the joint action in the institutional processes related to Information Security and the continuity of Embrapa's critical mission operations. In 2020, we expect to be able to strengthen this relationship between the two institutions and the entire RNP System even more”, Embrapa's IT manager, Fabiano Mariath highlighted.

Integration of Inmetro to RNP

Video collaboration, IP telephone service and information security are the main highlights of the partnership between Inmetro and RNP. Throughout 2019, we paid visits to the institute’s units in Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás and the Federal District to perform diagnosis and understand the client's needs. Throughout 2020, we will deliver the project for implementation of fone@RNP and the video collaboration rooms.

Connectivity and qualification to the benefit of the Ministry of Defense

RNP has the challenge to promote connectivity, services and solutions for the units of the Ministry of Defense (MD). In 2019, three MD units were connected to RNP's network infrastructure: Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG), Pandiá Calógeras Institute (IPC) and Hospital das Forças Armadas (HFA), all situated in Brasília (DF). Furthermore, 21 IT professionals from the ministry underwent qualification by means of courses of Escola Superior de Redes (ESR), such as Network and System Security and Goods and Services Contracting Plan based on IN 01/2019.

MD adhered to both services. One of them was the Federated Academic Community 
(CAFe), which enables the users to access the services of the institution and those offered by other organizations part of the federation, by means of a single account from anywhere. The other was Infrastructure of Public Keys for Education and Research (ICPEdu), a service, which provides issuance of digital certificates and security keys for the client institutions. Since the adherence to the service, HFA issued six certificates, generating savings of R$ 15 thousand for the body, and ESG issued ten, generating savings of R$ 30 thousand.

Also in 2019, we supported the information security campaign of MD, carried out in November. The Information Security specialist from RNP Rodrigo Facio gave a lecture on the main frauds circulating on the Internet. Attentive, the listeners were able to understand a little more about the damage caused by opening an unknown email and learned how to identify small details that may characterize the messages as fraudulent

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