SIG Health Academic performs opening session with 169 participants

- 10/07/2020

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Health Academic, the first one coordinated by academic from the Academic Network of Telemedicine (RUTE), performed its opening session on 07/06 night, with 169 attendants. The goal of SIG is to familiarize the new generations of professionals, who are in training, with the topic of digital health, focusing on Telemedicine and Telehealth.

The meetings, totally online and free, are held on the first Monday of every month at 08:00 p.m., with presentation of experts who are references in the theme. The following institutions are part of the initiative, Unicamp, Uniube, UFU, Uepa, Ufes and UFSM. The main motivation of the group is to learn together with the biggest names in health innovation, both nationally and internationally. This environment is able to provide an exchange between teachers and students that stimulates the creation of innovative health programs, and using digital tools there are no geographical barriers for this networking to take place," explains David Cirigussi Rodrigues de Paula, surrogate coordinator of Unicamp.

The expectation is that the group may awaken national interest and also assist in other demands for health prevention and promotion. The idea to create SIG was originate from Orienta COVID program, made by Unicamp students to guide patients regarding Covid-19. The success of the initiative, the observation of the public interest in health innovation and the importance of the theme for Brazilian health motivated the creation of SIG Health Academics.

“Professors have the crucial role in students’ formation. They teach how to proceed according to scientific protocols and the necessary ethical attitude in community guidance. And academics, with their availability, creation and innovation turn knowledge in action in the practice with community. Also making integration with other schools, such as computer science and engineering, in the definition and development of appropriate platforms, also generating service graphics, according to the protocols", comments Luiz Ary Messina, national coordinator of RUTE.

For universities with courses on health area interested in participation, just request the Participation Procedure in SIG:

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