RNP promotes webinar on new CAFe Expresso federation

- 23/05/2018

Considering the ever-growing number of devices connected to the internet and the current scenario of the Internet of Things, there are countless challenges for the development of technological solutions that make good use of identity management, such as in personal data protection, interoperability and cybersecurity.

With the purpose of stimulating academic research and new technologies in the area, the Brazilian National Research and Educational Network will promote a webinar open to the public on May 30 to present the CAFe Expresso federation, a testing environment that simulates the Federated Academic Community (CAFe) for the safe experimentation in identity management.

The guest speaker will be Michelle Wangham, a researcher from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali) who coordinates the RNP experimentation service for identity management, the GidLAb, and the Technical Committee on Identity Management (CT-Gid), a group that gathers academics in the area for technological prospecting and best practices recommendations.

CAFe Expresso is a federation wholly in Shibboleth, a solution adopted worldwide for identity management composed of identity providers (IdP), service providers (SP) and a WAYF service. The SPs allow the researcher to host applications developed in Java, PHP, or Phyton. 

Bellow are some examples of practical experimentation applications that can use the CAFe Expresso:

  • Multifactor Authentication;
  • Transposition of federated authentication to physical access controllers;
  • Federated authentication of IoT devices;
  • Mobile Electronic Identity based on SAML IdPs;
  • Management of Virtual Organizations for e-Science environments;
  • Interoperability between SGIDs (for example, between Shibboleth and OpenId Connect);
  • Transposition of Authentication Credentials and Attributes to other identity management systems;
  • Development of Shibboleth Service Providers (SPs); 
  • Identity management in cloud environments.

The seminar will be transmitted via the RNP Web Conference service. To register, access the form.


Webinar – CAFe Expresso Federation

Date: May 30

Time: 2PM

Transmission location https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/webconf/gidlab

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