Researchers develop new educational games for REMAR platform

- 04/05/2018

The REMAR platform will have five new templates of educational games developed by the academic community for use by undergraduate and graduate teachers and students. The projects were selected with the support of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).

The new game templates can be customized by teachers who do not have a development team but are interested in using this technology to support classroom learning.

After six months of the project, results were presented at the headquarters of the Brazilian National Research and Educational Network (RNP) in Brasilia on April 27. Here are them:

Process Legend

The game Process Legend is an introduction to the programming language and proposes puzzles that can be solved through command lines. The development was coordinated by the NTE (Nucleus of Educational Technology) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and aims to stimulate the learning of programming, one of the disciplines with higher withdrawal rates in computing courses.

Mar do Saber (Sea of Knowledge)

Mar do Saber is a game that invites the player to dive into the sea as a diver in search of photographs of marine creatures. The game was coordinated by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ICMC) of the University of São Paulo (USP) in collaboration with the Center for Natural Sciences and Humanities (CCNH) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC).

Líder Sim: aprendendo a planejar (Yes Leader: Learning to Plan)

In order to stimulate managerial competencies in graduate students, Líder Sim is a planning simulation game for project management, execution and follow up. It was coordinated by the Research Group Virtual Communities of the Bahia State University (UNEB).

REJOGO - Revista Digital de Jogos e Desafios Customizáveis (Digital Magazine of Customizable Puzzles and Games)

REJOGO is an interactive digital magazine that can be customized for different types of games, such as word searches, puzzles, and crosswords. It was coordinated by the Laboratory of Information Technology and Educational Media (LABTIME) of the Federal University of Goias (UFG).

GAME COMENIUS: o Jogo da Didática (The Didactics Game)

The game Game Comenius is aimed at teachers and students in teaching programs, and its purpose is to assist in lesson planning by integrating several types of media. Its development was coordinated by the Department of Teaching Methods (MEN) of the Center of Educational Sciences (CED) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

About the REMAR platform

REMAR - Networked Multiplatform Open Educational Resources - was developed by the Laboratory of Learning Objects (LoA) at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and was supported by the Thematic P&D Program in Distance Education (EaD), coordinated by RNP and sponsored by Capes.

REMAR is a virtual environment that gathers open educational resources under the category of educational games. Since the published games are open source and of public domain, they can be customized by teachers directly on the platform according to the desired learning objects and didactic content.

Currently, REMAR is available in its Beta version with ten game templates available at The five new templates developed with the support of Capes still need to be validated and will be available soon.

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